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Thursday, June 18, 2009

Clinical Trial of Homoeopathic Preparations of Amyleum Nitrosum, Azathioprine, Cocainum Muriaticum and Cyclosporine in HIV Disease- a study report

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This Clinical  study was undertaken under guidance of Dr. V.P. Singh ,Central Council for Research in Homoeopathy , New Delhi at the RRI, Mumbai (May, 1989) and CRU, Chennai (October, 1991)  by CCRH to ascertain whether homoeopathy can play a role in the treatment and management of HIV infection . The results obtained during the pilot study prompted a randomized placebo controlled study at Mumbai (1995-97). The results of the study were published in the British Homeopathic Journal (1999).

In  between April 1998 and March 2003  , 237 HIV infected individuals including, 96 Females and 8 children less than 10 years of age were enrolled in the study .Three of these individuals were suffering from concurrent Hepatitis B infection and 2 were reactive to VDRL . Amyleum Nitrosum, Azathioprine, Cocainum Muriaticum and Cyclosporine were primarily used as medicines under trial . Other Homoeopathic medicines were used only during seasonal minor ailments based on presenting signs and symptoms.

Assessment of Outcome :

  • The response to the treatment was assessed at the end of the study and was based on the change in clinical presentation
  • The response to treatment was also assessed by the haematological and immunological  investigations such as CD4/CD8 counts
  • Most of these investigations were conducted at the Council’s HIV Research Lab.

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Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Fingernails And What They Reveal


The apparance and colour of our nails not only reflects the status of our health but can give valuable information about the underlying disease condition and as a homeopath, it can also help us in selecting the most appropriate homeopathic remedy. The following analysis by Dr. Gabrielle Traub  in power point presentation gives us an insight into the various states of our nails, their underlying pathology and also the most appropriate homeopathic remedies .

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Lines and indentations:

Ridges can signify a possible infection such as the flu.

Beau's lines — Transverse depressions. Occurs when growth at the nail root (matrix) is interrupted by any severe acute illness e.g. heart attack, measles, pneumonia, or fever. These lines emerge from under the nail folds weeks later, and allow us to estimate when the patient was sick.

NAILS; corrugated; transversely: ars., med.

Mee's lines

Transverse white lines that run across the nail, following the shape of the nail moon. Uncommon. Causality: after acute/severe illness, Arsenic poisoning.

Thus homeopathic remedy= Ars alb

Vertical ridges

(Lengthwise grooves or ridges) - may indicate a kidney disorder (kidney failure); associated with ageing; iron deficiency (Anemia). May indicate a tendency to develop arthritis

NAILS; roughness fingernails; ridges, longitudinal: fl-ac.

NAILS; roughness fingernails; ribbed: thuj.

NAILS; corrugated: ars., calc., calc-f., fl-ac., med., ph-ac., sabad., sel., Sil., thuj.

Nail shape

Clubbing of the fingers — fingertips widen and become round. Nails curve around your fingertips, more convex. Proximal nail fold feels spongy. Caused by enlargement in connective tissue as compensation for a chronic lack of oxygen. e.g. severe emphysema Lung disease is present in 80 percent of people who have clubbed fingers. It may also appear in chronic infections especially abscesses, lung cancer, chronic lung (chronic bronchitis, emphysema) and heart disease, longstanding TB, congenital heart disease, cyanotic, primary biliary cirrhosis.

med., nit-ac., tub.

curved fingernails; consumption, in: med., tub.


Small pits or depressions. Most common nail problem seen in 25 percent to 50 percent of people with psoriasis.

Extremities; NAILS; holes in: ars.

Psoriasis - pitting, onycholysis, thickening, circumscribed yellowish tan discoloration "oil spot" lesion.

Spoon nails

Soft nails that look scooped out. Depression is usually large enough to hold a drop of liquid. Often indicates iron deficiency anemia.

Extremities; NAILS; complaints of; depressed: med.


Lifting of the nail from the nail bed. Causes: trauma, psoriasis, drug reactions, bacterial/fungal infection, contact dermatitis from using nail hardeners, thyroid disease, iron deficiency anemia or syphilis.

Looseness fingernails: apis., med., pyrog., ust.

Nail growth

Nail hypertrophy

Thickening of the nail. Either congenital (e.g. Mal de Meleda) or acquired - The nail becomes deformed with claw like appearance. Causes: Not cutting the nails, trauma, Leprosy, peripheral vascular disorders.

NAILS; hypertrophy: calc-f., fl-ac., graph., laur.

NAILS; thick: alum., anan., ant-c., ars., but-ac., calc., calc-f., calo., caust., falco-p., ferr., fl-ac., Graph., merc., pitu-a., pop-c., sabad., sec., sep., Sil., sulph., ust., x-ray

Nail atrophy:

The nail becomes thin, rudimentary and smaller size congenital or acquired. Causes: Lichen planus, Epidermolysis bullosa, Darrier‘s disease, vascular disturbances, Leprosy.

NAILS; atrophic: sil.

NAILS; grow, do not: ant-c., pitu-a., rad-br., sil.

Nail Patella Syndrome

a rare genetic disorder, occurs in 2.2 out of every 100,000 people and causes abnormalities in the bones and nails. autosomal dominant. Carried by the ABO blood group.

Nails present as small and concave, longitudinally grooved, abnormally split, pitted, softened, discolored, or brittle.

Remedies: Thuja, Graphites, Calc-flour, Syph.

H; Hands; NAILS, fingers, general; grow, nails, do not: ant-c., calc., sil.


Half-and-Half (Lindsay's nails) — Look for an arc of brownish discoloration. May occur in a small percentage of people who have kidney failure. Internal diseases and nutritional deficits can cause changes in the appearance of the nails.

Terry's nails

The nail looks opaque and white, but the nail tip has a dark pink to brown band. May accompany cirrhosis, congestive heart failure, adult-onset diabetes, cancer or ageing.


A bluish discoloration visible at the nail bases in select patient with severe hypoxemia or hypoperfusion. As with clubbing, it is not at all sensitive for either of these conditions.

H; Hands; NAILS, fingers, general; discoloration, nails; blueness (59) : acon., aesc., agar., apis, apoc., arg-n., arn., ars., asaf., aur., cact., camph., carbn-s., carb-v., chel., chin., chin-ar., chin-s., chlf., cic., cocc., colch., con., cupr., dig., dros., eup-pur., ferr., ferr-ar., ferr-p., gels., gins., graph., ip., manc., merc., merc-s., mez., mur-ac., nat-m., nit-ac., Nux-v., op., ox-ac., petr., ph-ac., phos., plb., rhus-t., sang., sars., sep., sil., sulph., sumb., tarent., thuj., Verat., verat-v.

Paronychia (felon)

Inflammation of the nail folds, which appear red, swollen and tender. The cuticle may not be visible. Causes: fungal infection, secondary bacterial infection, people who’s hands are often in water are more susceptible.

H; Hands; NAILS, fingers, general; panaritium, nails (53) : all-c., alum., Am-c., am-m., anac., Anthr., Apis, arn., asaf., bar-c., benz-ac., berb., bov., bufo, calc., caust., chin., cist., con., cur., Dios., eug., ferr., Fl-ac., gins., Hep., hyper., iod., iris, kali-c., kalm., lach., led., lyc., merc., Myris., nat-c., nat-h., nat-m., nat-s., Nit-ac., par., petr., phyt., plb., puls., rhus-t., sang., sep., Sil., sulph., Tarent-c., teucr.

NAILS; pulp, of; nails recede, leave raw surface: sec.

redness; fingernails: apis, ars., cortiso., crot-c., lepi., lith-c., ozone, upa., x-ray

inflammation, fingernails; around: con., hell., kola., nat-m., nat-s., ph-ac., sil.

H; Hands; NAILS, fingers, general; fungus, under (4) : ant-c., graph., petr., thuj.

H; Hands; NAILS, fingers, general; inflammation, fingernails (1) : kali-c.

H; Hands; NAILS, fingers, general; inflammation, fingernails; root of (2) : hep., stict.

Due to Candida


Splinter Haemorrhages

Looks like a splinter underneath the nail, virtually 100% diagnostic of Sub-acute Bacterial Endocarditis (SBE). A bacterial infection affecting the valves of the heart. Occasionally caused by Trichinosis, a parasitic infection caused by eating raw or undercooked Pork.

D; Diseases; ENDOCARDITIS, heart: abrot., acet-ac., Acon., Ars., ars-i., Aur., aur-m., bism., bry., cact., calc., cocc., coc-c., colch., dig., ferr., iod., kali-ar., kali-c., kali-i., Kalm., lach., led., nat-m., naja, ox-ac., phos., phyt., plat., plb., sep., Spig., spong., tarent., verat-v.

D; Diseases; TRICHINOSIS (3) : ars., bapt., cina

Absent "half moons" - Pituitary problems or poor circulation.

NAILS; lunula absent: lyc., puls., tub.

White hue at base of nails:

Liver disease: chronic hepatitis or cirrhosis.

Yellow nail syndrome

Yellow nail syndrome is characterized by yellow or green nails that lack a cuticle, grow slowly, and are loose or detached (onycholysis). May be associated with swelling of the hands and feet (lymphoedema), or a lung diseases e.g. chronic bronchitis. Yellow nails can indicate internal disorders long before other symptoms appear. Some of these are problems with the lymphatic system, respiratory disorders, diabetes, and liver disorders.

NAILS: discoloration; yellowish: am-c., ambr., ant-c., ars., aur., bell., bry., calc., canth., carb-v., caust., cham., chel., chin., Con., ferr., hep., ign., lyc., merc., nit-ac., nux-v., op., plb., puls., Sep., Sil., spig., sulph.

White spots (Leukonychia)

Caused by trauma to the nails, over vigorous/excessive manicuring.

alum., ars., nit-ac., ozone, sep., Sil., sulph., thal.


vertical pigmented bands or nail 'moles‘. A sudden change in the nail plate could indicate a malignant melanoma or lesion. Commonly occur in dark-skinned people, and are normal.

Brittle nails

Hypothyroidism: brittle nails - which separate easily from the nail bed (Onycholysis) accompanied by dry, yellowish skin, fatigue, slow pulse, chilly, coarse hair that falls out.

Hyperthyroidism: brittle nails - which separate easily from the nail bed (Onycholysis) and are concave (spoon nails)

Brittle nails - may also suggest iron deficiency anemia, kidney and circulatory problems.

NAILS; brittle: alum., alum-sil., ambr., anan., ant-c., ars., but-ac., calc., calc-f., cast-eq., caust., clem., cupr., dios., fl-ac., Graph., hep., hydrog., lept., lyc., med., merc., morg., nat-m., nit-ac., ozone, phos., Psor., rad-br., ruta, sabad., sec., sel., senec., sep., sil., spig., squil., sulph., syc-co., thuj., tub., x-ray

Nails that chip, peel, crack, or break easily - suggest a nutritional deficiency, lacking hydrochloric acid, protein or minerals.

NAILS: cracked: ant-c., ars., lach., nat-m., sil.

Crumbling away of fingernails: but-ac.{Butyric acid: a volatile acid obtained from butter}

NAILS; scatter like powder when cut: sil.


Liver Diseases: White Nails

Kidney Diseases: Half of nail is pink, half is white

Heart Conditions: Nail bed is red

Lung Diseases: Yellowing and thickening of the nail, slowed growth rate

Anemia: Pale nail beds

Diabetes: Yellowish nails, with a slight blush at the base

Nutritional deficiencies

Vitamin A and calcium deficiencies - dry brittle nails.

Vitamin B deficiency - horizontal and vertical ridges, that break easily.

Vitamin B12 deficiency - dry, darkened nails with rounded and curved nail ends.

Protein deficiency - white bands

Ayurvedic analysis:

Ayurveda considers nails as the waste product of the bones.

Dry, crooked, rough nails that break easily indicates a predominance of the Vata constitution.

Soft, pink, tender nails that are easily bent are indication of a Pitta constitution.

Thick, strong, soft and shiny nails indicate a Kapha constitution.

Longitudinal lines: indicate inability of the digestive system to absorb food properly.

Transverse grooves: may indicate the presence of long-standing illness or malnutrition.

Yellow nails: alert us to liver problems or jaundice.

Blue nails: indicate a weak heart.

Redness: shows an excess of red blood cells.

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Monday, June 15, 2009

Flow Chart Of Medorrhinum


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Medorrhinum is a remedy which is predominantly indicated for the people who are very comfortable at night. They are happy, exhilarated and excited as evening sets in. Such a behaviour can be expressed by the phrase,"Cross by day, Merry by night".

It is an important remedy for children who are very passionate, affectionate and loving. They have strong desire for love and affection. It is also indicated for behavioural problems of children. Children who are rude and aggressive, who throw temper tantrums, who fight with other children, esp. during the day and who kick and strike their parents or relatives can be Medorrhinum.

At night these children become very playful, comfortable and affectionate.

It is one of the important remedies where there is a history of Gonorrhoea, in parents or patient in the past. The other causative factor is Anticipation. Anticipating the sickness brings on the trouble and also thinking of the complaints < +++.

Right from childhood, they have the capacity to receive intuitive feelings. And this intuition usually comes true. On so many occasions, they can predict accidents, natural calamities or results of exams and in reality that actually works out to be true.
The other extreme of love i.e. hate, is a much more stronger feeling in Medorrhinum. A child who was getting "A" grade, in school, suddenly starts getting "F". The child who used to love his parents starts hating them from the depth of his heart. A child who had tremendous attachment to animals (Aethusa, Nuphar luteum) starts hating them and this child becomes very violent towards animals, esp. rats, mice, etc. (Tarent., Anac., Mosch). All these remedies are very cruel towards animals. In Tarantula, you will find violence, with physical restlessness and mobility. In Anacardium, you will find two wills and confusion to understand what is right and what is wrong. While in Moschus, you will find lot of sexual excitement and violence of the last degree. Moschus becomes important remedy for sexual perversions and nymphomania, starting at a very early age of life.

The child is very sensitive and emotional. Loves flowers, beauty and takes good care of them. The child who was polite, soft, passionate and loveable turns into a devil. He feels a strong desire to bite, kick, hit, strike. He is very rude and aggressive. All his actions become erratic, he develops inner hardness, which is very deep and that is why, it is very difficult to handle these children.

These children love whatever is forbidden. If you tell them not to do certain things, they are the first people to go and do it. This quality is similar to Tarentula. That is what makes them courageous and brave. Both these remedies are courageous, but in Tarentula, they have no soft corner for anything. They can lie with so much confidence, that the other person starts believing it as the truth. For e.g. If he was given some money, he will not return the balance amount. He will spend it on himself. On being asked the details he will say that may be the balance money fell from his pocket. If you point out the chocolate marks around his mouth, then he will give an explanation that the chocolate was given by a friend. He will never admit the truth, even in the worst of circumstances.

In Medorrhinum, the child starts with a lie but does not know how to finish and gets caught half-way through, starts fumbling and he doesn't have the same confidence as the Tarentula child.

As this child grows into a teen-ager, he wants to experience everything. He wants to try out new things in life. He likes to go out with girls for parties, discotheques etc. These are the young children, you will find moving around in the streets or discotheques, late at night. They always love to do what is forbidden. If the father says, come back at 10. p.m., they will come back at 2 a.m. They will sneak out of the house, once the parents have gone to sleep. They smoke, drink and they have sexual relationship at a very young age. They don't like bindings. That is why, the idea of marriage seems unendurable. They are the people who remain unmarried till very late in life, eventhough they have many boyfriends or girl friends.

Medorrhinum is predominantly an extremist. They are very self centered and hard hearted and they don't want any connection with people around them. At times they are very crude and violent. They are cruel and violent towards people, to their own children and towards animals. Here the similarity is to Lycopodium and Sepia. Both do not like their children. But in Lycopodium, they don't like children, because they don't like to take up responsibility. So they remain unmarried. They are anxious about sexual performance and duties that will be thrust upon him. Sepia has aversion to children, to male members and sex.

Along with aggression, other extreme responses like shyness is also quite obvious. This is so pronounced that they are not able to speak during an interview.

As they have tremendous sexual appetite, they visit different girls or prostitutes and may have sexually transmitted diseases, esp. gonorrhoea. Suppression of gonorrhoea leads to the commencement of all the troubles and complications.

Medorrhinum is one of the important remedies for mental retardation and poor reaction. These children are physically very weak with enlarged lymphatic glands and catch infections easily. These infections progress slowly and steadily, remains for longer duration and takes more time to resolve. The infection can act as a shock to the system and may have long lasting effects. At the mental level, there could be shock from some act of the parents. It could be some kind of hatred, jealousy, negligence and abuse from parents or relatives. The shock goes very deep into their systems and the child totally withdraws from the parents. This withdrawal and hardness can lead to 3 things :-
1. They become excessively religious and start feeling that life is unreal.
2. They develop anxiety.
3. They develop suicidal tendency So Medorrhinum becomes an important remedy for suicidal tendency in young adults.
Degeneration sets in little early in Medorrhinum. They lose their memory for names and words, even to the extent that they have to ask the names of their close friends. They begin a sentence and halfway through, forget what they were going to say.

Time passes too slowly (Arg Nit, Cann Ind.)

Recent events appear as if had occurred years ago or things done today feel as if were done one week ago.

The patient is predominantly hurried in nature, a workaholic type who is totally absorbed in his profession. He starts thinking that people are very slow and that people must hurry all the time.

Right childhood, they have fear of dark, fear that somebody is behind him and fear of monsters around him.

Anxiety that something will happen all the time. Anxiety about imaginary things. Anxiety of losing fortune and fear that he/she will say some things wrong.

The anxiety is expressed by biting nails of fingers and toes. It is probably the only remedy, where the patient bites his own toe nails.

Most of the time, when patient is sad with weeping tendency, we think of Pulsatilla. But Medorrhinum is a very important remedy where patient cannot express his symptoms without weeping. Weeping ameliorates sadness.

The last important symptom is obsession. Like Syphilinum, Medorrhinum is also an important remedy where patient wants to wash hands repeatedly.

Medorrhinum is predominantly hot. Always searches for a cold place. Even the child rolls out of the bed and rolls on the ground is search of a cold spot. They do not like their feet covered. Uncovering ameliorates. Desire for A/C, fast fan and gets aggravated in the sun. They also have a craving for ice and cold drinks. They get easily exhausted, both at mental and physical level.

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Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Understanding of Dreams & their homeopathic Interpretations

Dreams Dreams hompath

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Monday, June 8, 2009

Sepia PPT


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Sunday, June 7, 2009

Arsenic Iodide-PPT

 ars iod

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